It All Counts (On Softening, Trust and Gratitude)

  I’m proud of myself that I started my day with answering a few emails, and then immediately jumping onto my mat and doing an hour of stretching/yoga.

It felt good to spend time with my body again, even if my mind was wandering most of the time.

It will come.

Towards the end, when I was doing some simple sun salutations, I was filled with gratitude and chose to practice some self-forgiveness.

I’ve been so hard on myself in the last few years,  keeping myself in a holding belt of constant self-judgment, criticism, and bullshit that led to self-doubt, sticky stuckness, and the inability to trust myself.

And then beating myself up for not being able to move past all this, on top of it.

[Note: yes, even I, get into loops of stuckness and paralysis born out of self-punishing thoughts. It’s time I shed the layers of shame about it, and show up as I am: human.]

I felt myself soften today.

Felt so much gratitude for just being alive. For this experience and all the experiences I’ve had in this life, the good and the bad.

Even if the bad are not completely resolved and I don’t know if they will be.

I’m grateful to be alive.

And I guess it doesn’t much matter what I do with this life as much as it matters that I live it and that I’m alive.

It all counts.

It’s all experience.

I feel softer, slightly, towards myself.

The choices I’ve made have brought me to this moment, and this moment, feeling this gratitude filling every corner of my being, is precious.

I want to cry but the tears aren’t coming yet.

All in due time.

I know my undoing is coming, and it’s coming softly.

Unravel. Unfold. Unfurl.

The chrysalis comes to mind. That mush that isn’t formed, which will become a butterfly but has no shape yet.

In this place, I trust.


Grateful Tuesday #6: Spring Forth! Edition

Hello, dear Reader!

How was your week? I’m very curious to know. Will you share your list of 5-7 things you’re grateful for this week in the comments, and let me know how you’ve been?

I’ll start with mine.

[For those of you who don’t know, Tuesdays are when I keep my weekly GrAttitude ritual and invite you to keep me company in the comments section. This is installment #6.]

I’m listening to the fantastic Bonobo as I write this, and I’m most certainly grateful for his delicious music. It’s inspiring, slinkily sexy, and puts me in touch with my turn on and pleasure. It’s energizing and uplifting and just plain scrrrumptious. He’s on my top 5 favorite artists list, and you should definitely check out his ambient jazzy deliciousness pronto. What’s not to be grateful for?

[Here. You don’t even have to search for it!]

I’m grateful for these last few days of staying in during winter storms. So cozy, and perfect opportunities for self-care.

I’m grateful for the increase in offerings and conversations around men’s self-expression. There’s been so much offered to women in this area, and I’m happy to see more come up for men. I am inspired to be a part of that movement. Not sure the exact shape it’s going to take yet (One-on-one? Workshops? Retreats?), but I’m open to clarity and opportunities around that.

[Check out the Men’s Story Project and the Good Men Project if you want to learn more].

I’m grateful for NYC’s public transportation system. As much as we complain about it, it really is one of the best in the world. These trains and buses not only take me everywhere I need to be, but they also are awesome opportunities to peoplewatch, learn about the human experience, and meet awesome new people.

I’m grateful for my beautiful and radiant home. After over 2 years, I’m still in love with it and can’t believe how lucky I am.

I’m grateful for my health. I just took a deep breath of after-rain fresh air and it reminded me how precious it is to be alive.

Lastly, I’m grateful to all of you who read this. Thank you for sharing this journey with me.

Will you also share your grAttitude?



Grateful Tuesday: People Edition

This is #3 of this lovely weekly ritual at Naked Wellness. Won’t you join us with your list in the Comments section?

Looks like this week’s GrAttitude is directed at the wonderful humans that have made this week especially special. I have so much love for all of you!

Here goes my list:

I’m grateful for my lovely and amazing friend Amy, and a wonderful ‘catch up and work’ session this morning.

Family-wise, this week I’m especially grateful for my sister.

I’m grateful for my Latina soul sisters, Marfil and Josie, for being there and balancing me out.

I’m grateful for my therapist and my Rabbi, and their support and encouragement.

I’m grateful for dear Kai and his impeccable timing in reconnecting, which made my morning more magical.

I’m grateful to feel loved and supported.

What has made your week especially special?


Grateful Tuesday, Part Deux

Hello, dear!

Last Tuesday, I started a new weekly ritual here at Naked Wellness, in which I share 5-7 things I am grateful for this week and invite you to do the same in the comments.

Thank You

Without further ado, here is my list:

I am grateful for amazing friends who put up with me when I lose it. Their love and support is priceless.

I am grateful for my healthy and delicious body, which takes me places and brings me so much pleasure and wisdom when I listen.

Related to that, I am so grateful to get to enjoy all 5 of my senses. There is so much beauty to behold.

I am grateful that today is a warm(er) day in New York City, a nice break from the cold during my first winter in 3 years. Woohoo!

I am grateful that I am a woman.

I am grateful to have the freedom to choose how I spend my time on a daily basis, and that its something that I get to enjoy as well as something that inspires others.

And lastly, I am grateful for you, sweet soul who is taking the time to read this.

I invite you to partake in this weekly grAttitude practice. Will you leave a comment with your list?

What are you grateful for?

Choose Your Story Wisely

Remember those Choose Your Own Adventure books?

Oftentimes, we feel as though life throws things at us and we have no control over anything.

But what if that’s not true? What if all the ways in which we perceive the world were up to us to choose?

I have to admit, this is a lesson that keeps coming up time and time again. I learn it, I apply it, I thrive, I fall off the wagon, and…


All beautiful emotions that make me human. I’m grateful for them, really… They are not the most comfortable thing to feel, but they bring with them so much growth and learning about myself.

And then, I get to FORGIVENESS… And I remember that I get to choose whether I believe the stories my mind spins.

This morning, as I was riding the subway to meet my accountant, it dawned on me for the umpteenth time that I didn’t have to.

So liberating!

In a moment of absolute clarity, the wisdom came from somewhere deep inside me and said there’s nothing to be sad or angry about because they are all just stories.

My mind remembers these things, but then I have to wait until my body catches up when it forgets. This is exactly what happened in that moment.

My body remembered.

And then, out of its own volition, it picked up my phone to type the following words up. I don’t know if it was for my benefit, yours, or ours… But here it is:

Are you plagued by feelings of unworthiness?

Feelings of not being good enough, of not deserving the good things that come your way in life?

What is your reaction when someone compliments you or praises you?

Are you able to fully receive it and feel deep inside…

Yes! I DID do a good job!


Yes! I DO look great!


Yes! I AM a good person/friend/mother/father/etc?

If the feeling that comes up when someone praises you or compliments you in any way, it’s one of distrust, of

Why is this person telling me this?


What do they want from me?

chances are that a part of you doesn’t feel deserving of it. Whatever that person’s motivation is (and that is something to take apart and judge separately), has nothing to do with whether you feel worthy of the praise or not.

So how can we get to the place where we do feel deserving?

Well, the reason we don’t is that at some point in time we have incorporated stories that say we don’t deserve it. That we need to be different from who we are, do things different from the way we would naturally do them, or just work our ass off to deserve anything.

Whether the story comes from your religion, your culture, your parents, teachers at school, or friends… The point is…

It is just a story.

When we recognize it as a story, we can choose to let it go. Or at the very least, choose not to believe it.

Every time this little voice comes up to tell you you are unworthy, not good enough, or undeserving… Take it in, embrace it lovingly and tell it gently that you appreciate it, but don’t believe it.

Agree to disagree.

And firmly add another voice to the party in your head:

I DO deserve this.


I AM good enough.


It is my birthright.

I love it when my wise body speaks so directly!

What is yours saying? What are some stories you are ready to let go off?

How Am I Not Myself?


Recently, I re-watched one of my favorite all-time movies, <a title="I I ❤ Huckabees.

It’s one of those movies that, after watching it for the first time, you’re most likely reaction will be a big, fat… “Huh???

It’s a funny and intelligent mess, starting with a string of curses and a poem dedicated to a rock. (You rock, rock! and it certainly does rock.)

Which is why it’s on my list of favorites that I will watch again and again. Each time offers a different level of funniness and insight.
But I digress…

The reason I’m telling you about it is because there’s a line that has stuck with me since I re-watched I ❤ Huckabees a couple of weeks ago, and it keeps cropping up at the most random moments, sending me into loops.


How am I not myself?




How am I not myself? How am I not myself? How am I not myself???

I feel like I’m a character in that other baffling mind-bender of a movie, Being John Malkovich. (“Malkovich, Malkovich? Malkovich. Malkovich?“… You get my point.)

I particularly love this scene because it is a clear display of how we create masks and stories and habits that we repeat over and over again so that others will like us.


But the question is… Even if we do create these stories, are we not being ourselves?

How are we not ourselves?

How am I not myself?

I talk a lot about allowing ourselves to be who we are, without masks… But the masks are a part of us too.

They served us in the past, but perhaps no longer do… Perhaps they are keeping us from connecting now, and being ourselves would mean putting the mask down and allowing ourselves to be visible without them.
In any case, the reason I wanted to share this is because by virtue of this line being stuck knocking around in my head like a pinball machine, I’ve been experiencing the most ridiculous moments of silly bliss.


Try it.

After repeating it a couple of times, it’s so ludicrous that you cannot help but start laughing like a liberated idiot.

It’s the best short-cut to meditation ever.


Jump in!

How was it? Did you laugh? Did you slip into Beingness? Did you think “Oh boy, somebody must have dropped Melody on her head when she was a baby“?

Leave your reaction in the comments section. Pretty please.

A place where time doesn’t exist

Even though I have to get to Wellington to get my visa to enter India, I’ve decided to stay in Raglan for a few nights. I have some time to spare, and this place is magical.

Once the bus left with all the people, it got even better.

There’s only a few of us staying at the Karioi Lodge: asides from me, there’s just Jack, Dan, Sander, and Jeremy (another Strayer who decided to hang out in Raglan for a few days). We were joined by Yvonne the first night after the bus left.

Over the following days, we developed into a nice, chill group. Sometimes we hung out together, and sometimes we did stuff on our own.

Surfing the net, playing pool, watching a movie, enjoying the sauna, surfing, reading a book in the hammock, heading into town for a coffee, hiking up Mt. Karioi to check out the amazing view…

 A place where time doesn't exist

A place where time doesn't exist

Some of the best moments were when we were preparing dinner. Each person making their own, but it somehow felt very communal. Jack played music from his never-ending playlist of awesome tunes (seriously, every song was new and amazing!), and we were all prepping, stirring, sautéing, or whatever while chatting about life.

Life is so easy in Raglan. Not a care in the world.

Catch-all, Catch up

Ok. So I haven’t posted anything in a while. At first, I didn’t think I had anything worth posting up here as I was spending some time with my family in South Florida. And once I got to Orlando to visit a friend, I learned I wouldn’t have ready access to the internet.

Needless to say, this is my attempt to catch up. It will be looong.

Very important lesson on mosquitoes

I totally took for granted a recently developed ability to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes. Well… It’s not really an ability per se. But I really thought I had somehow reached some sort of agreement with them because I didn’t get one bite while at my last yoga retreat, which took place on a farm. Everybody else was bothered by them, but not me. I couldn’t believe it, and I chucked it up to my decision to share the space with the bugs. After all, it’s their habitat too, right?

Yes, and no. We do share our living space with them, but I don’t think my compassionate attitude was what saved me from being bitten because, despite our “agreement,” I got eaten alive by them while I was visiting my family in South Florida. I didn’t feel a thing while it was happening, but I sure had over 200 red and angry mosquito bites when I woke up the next day.

It itched so badly that I wanted to, a) sit in a bathtub full of calamine lotion or, if that didn’t work, b) tear my skin off.

Ok. So what’s the lesson??

I believe the mosquito cease-fire during the retreat had more to do with raging hormones (don’t ask). I guess being impossibly aroused is a strong mosquito repellent.

Given that I will be traveling to plenty of places where mosquitoes might be a problem, that’s a valuable thing to learn. I have no idea how to implement that though, as it’s not exactly a comfortable state to be in.


I should thank a specific person for the, ahem, raw material that inadvertently led to this experiment. It pains me to say we are no longer friends.

I miss you. A lot. I still don’t understand how my being so open and honest led to your misunderstanding and lack of trust.

Ultimately, I believe that, for some reason, you felt I doubted your ability to restrain yourself. It was when you interpreted something I said as meaning that you weren’t in control of your actions that you all of a sudden became angry at me. I never doubted you. I only said that, had we finished what we started, we probably would have been over the awkwardness way faster.

What does that have to do with control? What I don’t understand is why, knowing you wouldn’t follow through, did you start something that morning? I was clear about what I wanted, and you knew how I would react to your actions. I felt like you didn’t take my feelings into consideration. Is it such a surprise that I ended up so confused about your true intentions?

Lastly, I feel that you provided a space where I felt safe letting it all hang out. I made it clear to you that I was aware I wasn’t entitled to some of the feelings that came up. I explained where they came from, and I thought we were both cool with that. I thought it was our ability to be open like that that made our relationship so special.

But then you decided it was too much. I was too honest and open, and you told me I will scare a lot of people (especially men) away because I don’t want to censor myself. I scared you.

Regardless of all this, and as short as our friendship was, I know the connection we had with each other is hard to come by. It’s not every day that you meet someone and feel like you’ve known them forever. Someone that shares the same culture, ideas, spirituality, taste in music, and passion for life. So many things in common…

I hope we can rekindle our friendship, be it while I’m away or when I get back. I don’t think a connection like the one we had is something to discard so easily. Hopefully, you feel the same.

But if you don’t, I want you to know I’m very grateful to have had you in my life. We had a good run, and I will always think of you with a smile on my face.

Um… Can we move on to the next subject, please?

Sure! Except… I don’t remember what else I was going to write about. What was it??

Oh, yeah!

Right now, here.

I’m really surprised at how much I’m enjoying my homelessness. During the retreat, I loved it when people asked me where I lived. My answer? “Right now, here.”

It was great. So liberating!

Having all of my belongings in a 5×6 room somewhere in Brooklyn makes me feel good. I’ve always been a pack-rat, and the fact that I could whittle it all down to that is a big accomplishment for me.

This homelessness thing is also thrilling because it means I get to go wherever I want, whenever I want, and I don’t have to worry about getting someone to sublet my place while I’m gone. And the fact that I only have a few clothes and toiletries with me makes it very easy to pick up and go.

Which is all to say that being homeless has allowed me to live more in the present. The less things I own, the less things I have with me, the less I worry about their upkeep and maintenance.

It frees up headspace and time to just be.

I highly recommend it! There’s no need to give up your home like me. Just giving up some of your stuff (yeah, the things you haven’t worn or looked at in years) helps tremendously.

Speaking of stuff…

So far, I’ve gotten my backpack, shoes, vitamins, and toiletries. My “to shop” list:

–          Universal outlet converter

–          Travel size conditioner

–          Backpack rain cover

–          Sleeping bag liner (for my stays at hostels)

There’s still room in my backpack, but I want to make sure it’s not completely full when I leave for New Zealand. There should be some room for souvenirs from my trip.

In Orlando

After my stay in Aventura, FL, my family and I drove up to Orlando so they could drop me off at a friend’s. We had lunch at a Chinese restaurant, Ming Court, which was surprisingly good given how touristy International Drive is.

Then we went to Celebration, which is a very charming/creepy small residential community built by Disney. It’s very cute, but it feels like there’s no room for anything to be out of place. There must be tons of rules to make sure the residents keep it that way.

With the family in Celebration, FL
With the family, right before saying goodbye and jumping into my friend’s car

Had a great time hanging out with my friend in Orlando. Here we are, all dressed up, and ended up just going to Walgreens:

The time we didn't buy condoms. The guy at the register was disappointed.
The time we didn’t buy condoms. The guy at the register was disappointed.

This was the first time I have ever been to Orlando and didn’t go to any of the theme parks. After visiting 25 times, it was strange.

But it also felt good to break the routine. It reminded me of something I learned at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition:

It’s good to be bad once in a while.

By being bad, I mean doing something a little outside of what we normally do. Break the routine up, do something that’s “out of character” for you. It helps to remind ourselves that our personalities aren’t set in stone and that we have the power to change and get a thrill from something simple.

So delete those old unread e-mails (you know you’ll never read them, so why fool yourself?). Take a longer lunch break. Splurge on something that makes you feel good. Or maybe, just don’t wear underwear for a day.

Doing things differently can feel a little strange at first because we are so used to being on automatic pilot. But, from personal experience, it can be quite exhilarating and give us a confidence boost.

Are we done yet?

I think so. I’ve rambled enough for a day.

Leaving New York

I left the city on a hot, humid day. I have left this place countless times before, but this time it feels different. I’m not coming back in 7, 10, or even 20 days.. I don’t have anything holding me to this place, except a few belongings in a 5×6 self-storage room.
There's no turning back now!
Last look at the skyline. There’s no turning back now!
Driving by my old neighborhood in Brooklyn. Nostalgia hit me, but being homeless is also quite exhilarating!
Driving by my old neighborhood in Brooklyn. Nostalgia hit me, but being homeless is also quite exhilarating!
It’s exciting, and liberating, and scary to be floating like this. I like it already.

KISS the drama goodbye!

Let’s face it: sometimes, life does get complicated. There are things over which we have no control. Your mother or your boss usually fall under this category (and may God help you if they are one and the same!). But then there are other times in which we exaggerate problems and end up making a complicated mess out of something that could be so… simple. Is it really necessary to make up so much drama?

Introducing unnecessary drama into our lives is something we are all guilty of, whether it is in our personal or professional life. In my time as an employee, I saw it daily. Gossiping, spending more time complaining about a problem than finding and executing the solution… This need to make a big deal out of our problems (and sometimes even someone else’s) is everywhere, even outside of work.

Why do we do this? Is it that we are so bored with our own life? Or perhaps it’s because we feel it’s the only way that others will relate to us. I know I felt the pull of gossip when I was at work. If I didn’t partake, I felt like there was nothing else to talk about with my co-workers. And I definitely wanted to develop a good relationship with my colleagues.

Whatever your reasons, wouldn’t your life be better if it was more peaceful and stress-free? After all, what you’re doing when you make a big deal out of something small is creating stress that shouldn’t be there in the first place. If you are honest with yourself, you can tell that these “problems” are just distractions with no meaning, and they don’t really add anything to your life.

So what are the things that do make your day special? Yes, sometimes it is getting over a large obstacle in your life, and that’s definitely cause for celebration. But also, if you pay attention, you will start noticing that the things that put a smile on your face, a lightness in your step and in your heart, are often small and simple. Like the look of glee on kids faces, the smell and feel of clean sheets when you slip into bed, a hot shower after a long day, a sunny day, good music, witnessing a smile forming on a complete stranger’s lips or seeing others laugh, even when you have no idea what they are laughing about.

So what are the things that light up yours? To figure it out, try KISSing the drama goodbye with the “Keeping It Simple… Stupid” principle (or for those who prefer the more PC version, “Keep It Short and Simple”). By reminding yourself to focus on the simple things in life, you’ll be able to develop a sense of appreciation that will put (and maintain) that serene smile on your face, and make every second of your life more special.

The moments we often take for granted are what life is made out of. Isn’t it time we start noticing them?